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"And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may ​be filled.'" Luke 14:23
Luverne United Methodist Church takes delight in participating in community projects and events.
February 4: Our LUMC crew had a great time working on the Habitat for Humanity house in Goshen on Saturday alongside the partner family and caring people from all over the community!
September 28: The Wonderful Wednesday kids and youth did a fantastic job packing 20 flood buckets to send to UMCOR for Hurricane Ian relief.
October 16: Children enjoying activities at the Fall Festival for the community in the Dei Center
October 30: LUMC unites in "Being the Church" by building a two-tiered ramp for a neighbor in need
September 24: Luverne Peanut Boil Festival - LUMC Youth (Sydney McIntosh, Miley Taylor, and Anna Leigh Johnson) help give out free bottles of water to thirsty visitors
Luverne United Methodist Church
Loving - Listening - Sharing - Serving
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